antonio socci libero

Milano n. 1690166 LIBERTA' DI OPINIONE SEMPRE PIU' A RISCHIO. Then, the next day, there was the presentation of the apologetic documentary at the Rome Film Festival that is directed by Antonio Monda, the brother of the editor of L'Osservatore Romano, Andrea Monda (who was also present), and the premier of the film in the Vatican Gardens, where Afineevsky received the "Kinéo Movie for Humanity Award" that is given to those who promote social and humanitarian themes. The bait that was used to get the greatest possible prominence and the unanimous applause of both the mainstream media and the progressivist elite was the sensational declaration on the homosexual question. As you may recall, just a few days ago Bergoglio refused to receive the U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who went to Rome to discourage the renewal of the China-Vatican agreement, because — Bergoglio said — meeting with Pompeo would have been interfering in the election campaign. Antonio Socci, il coronavirus e la comunicazione della politica: "Trasecolo, la razionalità dov'è?" The pontificate of Bergoglio is the child of the Obama/Clinton era and shares their globalist ideology. LA MORTE, IL SENSO DELLA VITA E DELLA NOSTRA CIVILTA'. "Io trasecolo. Antonio Socci contro Claudia Fusani a Quarta repubblica. By clicking the "Continue" button, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Submit news to our tip line. Professor Loris Zanatta's recent book, published by Laterza, Il populismo jesuita (Peron, Fidel, Bergoglio), demonstrates quite clearly the totally political nature of South American Jesuitism and of Bergoglio in particular. It is the biggest target of all, the one against which the entire media system and all of the globalist elites have been unleashed: Donald Trump. Not exactly. Socci, un imprevedibile ribaltone. Sgarbi, la riunione in casa finisce malissimo: rissa del tutto fuori controllo, "Si è fregata da sola". Cosa succede quando cessa il rapporto. Giletti toglie la parola al grillino Morra, l'urlo al centro dello studio: una vergogna di Stato | Video, "Salvate quel ragazzo". e P.IVA 06823221004 - R.E.A. It's enough simply to watch the film's trailer. Everything is explicit. - Sede Legale: Viale Luigi Majno 42, 20129 Milano - Registro Imprese di Milano Monza Brianza Lodi: C.F. And so what is the primary political objective of this operation? The pontificate of Bergoglio is the child of the Obama/Clinton era and shares their globalist ideology, containing both immigrationism and ecologist fanaticism. In questi giorni sono tanti infatti gli esponenti del governo (Giuseppe Conte in testa) a reputare lockdown o coprifuoco misure eccessive.   Yearly: $120 a year, To pay in advance without a subscription, click here In the pro-Biden propaganda film that I talk about in this article, right at the end Cdl. But he has never before made an explicit public announcement like this that contradicts the official and perennial Magisterium of the Church. Antonio Socci. La Sinistra 'politically correct' - tribunale supremo delle idee ammesse o proibite - rivendica ... Il titolo, che annuncia due pezzi di approfondimento a firma di Giovanni Sallusti e, ... guarda caso, in zone ad alta concentrazione musulmana di, Gli articoli sono stati selezionati e posizionati in questa pagina in modo automatico. "Non è Salvini a diventare europeo, ma il contrario". Then there is the glorification of Bergoglio as a world star, the "purifier" of the Church and the "savior" of humanity. Libero Shopping Editoriale Libero S.r.l. Submit news to our tip line. Get briefed on today's top stories with Michael Voris. Sono tempi cupi per chi ama la libertà. Milano n. 1690166, "La verità sugli attacchi del Pd a Giuseppe Conte": Antonio Socci svela il piano (sporco) dei compagni, "Vediamo se hanno le palle? Germania choc, uno sconcertante obiettivo, "Bombardamento nucleare". Above all, he wants to recover worldly favor during these weeks in which the Vatican has been at the center of new scandals that demonstrate — on the aspect of internal reform as well — the failure of the present pontificate. Pope Francis Signaling Support for Joe Biden? In fact, last Wednesday, right before his General Audience, Pope Bergoglio received — amidst all sorts of photographs — the film's director Evgeny Afineevsky and his collaborators, "thus giving his blessing to their work," as Il Fatto Quotidiano wrote, in an atmosphere of such familiarity that the Argentine pope even offered Afineevsky a piece of cake since it was his birthday. On the Left in Italy there are even those who have interpreted it as a positive signal for the approval of the "Zan" law [against homophobia] (which according to the Italian Bishops' Conference risks causing "liberticide drift" against nonaligned opinions). This is Bergoglio's sensational intrusion into the U.S. presidential campaign, just 10 days before the election. And look at the images that are thrown together: First the film shows footage related to George Floyd (whose tragic case was used without reason against Trump); then it "casually" shows Joe Biden next to Bergoglio as he speaks to the U.S. Congress in 2015; and finally it shows the face of the "prophetess" of the ecologist religion, Greta Thunberg, framed in Saint Peter's Square as she greets Bergoglio. Costanzo svela la motivazione privatissima di Verdone, "La rinuncia di Gaudio è un'offesa, Speranza si dimetta". Hanno deciso che Trump debba essere spazzato via a prescindere dal voto? Thus, just a few days before the vote, this film has been premiered which is an incredible pro-Biden super-advertisement. When you place your order, your Church Militant Premium membership will be activated. Have a news tip? Comunicazione che sembra a dir poco in cortocircuito. You also L'ora o la data visualizzate si riferiscono al momento in cui l'articolo è stato aggiunto o aggiornato in Libero 24x7. Nino Spirlì denuncia la farsa del governo, Mulan, un filmone Disney passato alla storia come la grande vittima del Covid, Collateral, il miglior Cruise e il miglior Mann per il miglior noir americano d'inizio secolo. Just this morning, Bergoglio has announced the creation of 13 new cardinals (of whom 9 are electors). The papal utterance has thrown the Catholic world into bewilderment and confusion. Per ora solo le poltrone". But Bergoglio is not worried about this. Antonio Socci, il mistero coronavirus: "Perché Cina, Giappone e Africa hanno avuto meno morti dell'Italia" ... Editoriale Libero S.r.l. La voglia di bavaglio e di censura avanza come un carro armato. "Per lei le manifestazioni violente in Usa sono colpa di Trump", ATTENTATO ISLAMICO A NIZZA: LA SHARIA E' LEGGE IN FRANCIA, Antonio Socci, così il coronavirus ci ha rubato la festa dei morti: alla ricerca del senso della vita, IL 2 NOVEMBRE DI UN'ITALIA STREMATA DALL'EPIDEMIA. Antonio Socci, così il coronavirus ci ha rubato la festa dei morti: alla ricerca del senso della vita. "Ma la razionalità dov'è?" And we know that, as pope, he "oriented the position of the Italian Bishops' Conference in 2015 and 2016 on the law desired by the Italian government of Matteo Renzi, accepting the formulation" (so writes Maria Antonietta Calabrò at the Huffington Post). But actually Bergoglio — who in the meantime renewed the nefarious agreement with China — had a sensational campaign rally in store: the pro-Biden propaganda film, Francesco. But is this the film's primary purpose? Trump's re-election would be a very harsh blow for this ideology and this power bloc. The hasty announcement at this moment, right on the eve of the U.S. election, is significant: Trump has strong momentum and now the Bergoglian Vatican is very afraid that he may be re-elected. We rely on you to support our news reporting. Have a news tip? They are all ultra-Bergoglians. Scioglimento del contratto di agenzia. Even Bergoglio is on board the anti-Trump campaign, because the Catholic vote is decisive in the U.S. election. The novelty of this step is therefore enormous. If Trump really wins, then this pontificate, which is already in sharp decline, would be finished indeed, since it has crushed itself on China and been totally discredited. Bomba atomica del paparazzo sulla Gregoraci: voci pazzesche su lei e Bettarini, "Africa? L'appello di Alba Parietti: il dramma che si sta consumando al GfVip (e che in molti non vedono), "Ho ricevuto un messaggio". Roba da querela | Video, "Scandaloso!".   Quarterly: $30 every 3 months Nel suo ufficio stampa, lo 007 egiziano. In estate - cinguetta la firma di Libero - quando c'erano 4 morti al giorno di Covid, erano allarmisti e seminavano paura. It begins with COVID in an ecologist key, because according to Bergoglian ideology the virus was not produced by the Chinese regime but by our offenses against the environment (there are even images of an earthquake — who knows what that has to do with ecology). By naming the nine new cardinal-electors today, Bergoglio wants to ensure the result of the next conclave. Fabrizio Corona da Giletti, una bordata inaudita su lady Briatore: "Ecco la verità su lei e Flavio". ... Editoriale Libero S.r.l. [Luis Antonio] Tagle is blatantly promoted as the one Bergoglio wants as his successor. It was certainly the Vatican's intention to give the greatest possible prominence to this product. It is the famous attack against Trump that Bergoglio made during the 2016 electoral campaign. Submit news to our tip line. Non è storia … Bergoglio, along with the entire globalist establishment, has declared war on Trump. Gerry Scotti in ospedale, la Venier davanti alle telecamere: rivelazione inaspettata, come sta davvero, "Pugno violentissimo". At this point the film launches into a long immigrationist rally that culminates at the wall between the USA and Mexico. It is re-proposed today in this "electoral" trailer despite the fact that it is known that the wall with Mexico was also wanted by the Democrats, and above all despite the fact that after four years Trump — distinct from his predecessors — has not started even one war and has made many peace agreements around the world. So they are doing everything they can to stop him, and even Bergoglio is on board the anti-Trump campaign, because the Catholic vote is decisive in the U.S. election. At the end, Cdl. Eppure il premier ero lo stesso che ad agosto urlava alla chiusura delle discoteche e all'abolizione della movida. option selection above at the current full price on the date of each renewal, until you cancel. ... Editoriale Libero S.r.l. And then the image of Trump appears, and Bergoglio's words of fire are heard thundering: "A person who thinks only about building walls and not building bridges is not a Christian.". Da fine settembre quando è ripreso il dramma, e oggi che siamo già a 130 morti al giorno, minimizzano e sdrammatizzano". si chiede Antonio Socci sulla comunicazione legata al coronavirus. Antonio Socci, terrificante verità su Papa Francesco: "In Italia l'unico muro che c'è è in Vaticano" ... Editoriale Libero S.r.l. - Sede Legale: Viale Luigi Majno 42, 20129 Milano - Registro Imprese di Milano Monza Brianza Lodi: C.F. HANNO DECISO CHE TRUMP DEBBA ESSERE SPAZZATO VIA A PRESCINDERE DAL VOTO? Un caso, in effetti, strano. If you have a gift code you would like to redeem, click here. TORNA LA VOGLIA DI BAVAGLIO. Tagle (a Filipino of Chinese origin) appears, Bergoglio's favored candidate to succeed him. e P.IVA 06823221004 - R.E.A. Ecco come si presenta Lampedusa: immagini sconvolgenti, "Perché non ha voluto festeggiare il compleanno". First published by Libero — Oct. 25, 2020--- Campaign 31877 --- Have a news tip? It is he who undermines the Obamian and Clintonian project that, amidst the frenzied financialization of the Western economy, imposes China as the factory of the world at the expense of middle class and Western workers (and, curiously, the most deadly attack on Trump's re-election — which was all but certain last January — came upon him precisely from China: COVID-19). Antonio Socci sul Pd e il Mes: "Una giravolta clamorosa", quando lo dicevano Salvini e Meloni... Antonio Socci: se parla Donald Trump, la censura è democratica, Elezioni Usa 2020, Libero chiama Kamala Harris la 'vice mulatta' di Biden: è bufera. © ITALIAONLINE document.write(new Date().getFullYear())2016 - P. IVA 03970540963. Monthly: $10 a month It was already known that when he was cardinal of Buenos Aires, Bergoglio was in favor of "civil unions" in Argentina. billing. But what is the real objective being pursued? You are not signed in as a Premium user; we rely on Premium users to support our news reporting. Cancel at any time to avoid future Socci, il retroscena con cui affonda Renzi: bravo solo ad abbaiare, Una spia accanto alla Merkel. Viganò Responds to Pope’s Nod to Homosexual Civil Unions. Editoriale Libero S.r.l. First published by Libero — Oct. 25, 2020. The most obvious one was self-congratulatory: Pope Bergoglio is thirsty for popularity and worldly acclaim, especially now that his pontificate is in decline and — according to his own supporters — has become totally bogged down (it's enough to consider the Synod on the Amazon and the German synod). Dal blog di Antonio Socci 12 Ottobre 2020 di Antonio Socci Cent'anni fa, fra l'estate 1920 e il gennaio 1921, nasceva il Partito Comunista Italiano. Mondo con il fiato sospeso, voci sull'ultima mossa di Trump: obiettivo estremo, "Come spende i vostri soldi la Rai": uno spreco vergognoso, Striscia mira in altissimo, Capua, il superdiffusore sconvolge il mondo: "Un positivo, meno di 60 invitati, 176 contagiati" |, "La Gregoraci?". Post-Election Special: All Coming to Light, Antonio Socci: Benedict XVI Warns of a New Totalitarianism. Antonio Socci: se parla Donald Trump, la censura è democratica Antonio Socci, così il coronavirus ci ha rubato la festa dei morti: alla ricerca del senso della vita Antonio Socci … No Italia". agree that your subscription will automatically renew monthly, quarterly or annually based upon your subscription For him, questions of doctrine or morals or spirituality are useful only instrumentally, in service of an objective that is always only and totally political. The documentary film Francesco has caused an enormous outcry because of the papal "yes" to civil unions for gay couples.

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