cappella contarelli vocazione di san matteo

Ospita il ciclo pittorico su san Matteo realizzato da Caravaggio. Si trova nella Cappella Contarelli, nella chiesa di San Luigi dei Francesi a Roma. Tel. Info and reservation guided tours : Cooperativa IL SOGNO The church, together with the other French churches in Rome, is governed by an "Administrative deputy" named by the French ambassador at the Holy See. San Luigi dei Francesi è una chiesa di Roma che si trova nell'omonima piazza, non distante da Piazza Navona. Explore. The Contarelli Chapel or Cappella Contarelli is located within the church of San Luigi dei Francesi in Rome. Caravaggio, The Calling of St. Matthew, Cappella Contarelli, San Luigi dei Francesi, Rome. Photography. Other artists who worked in the decoration of San Luigi dei Francesi include Cavalier D'Arpino, Francesco Bassano il Giovanni, Muziano, Giovanni Baglione, Siciolante da Sermoneta, Jacopino del Conte, Tibaldi and Antoine Derizet. The Cardinal Priest of the Titulus S. Ludovici Francorum de Urbe is Jean-Marie Cardinal Lustiger. Art. Its porch has a bust of Christ whose face is traditionally identified as Cesare Borgia's one. 06/ Fax 06/ The French character is evident since the facade itself, which has several statues recalling national history: these include Charlemagne, St. Louis, St. Clothilde and St. Jeanne of Valois. It was built in 1709-1716 as a "recovery for the French religious community and the pilgrims without resources". Viale Regina Margherita, 192 - 00198 ROMA La chiesa è conosciuta soprattutto per ospitare, nella Cappella Contarelli, un ciclo di pitture su san Matteo realizzate dal Caravaggio: L'ispirazione di San Matteo, il Martirio di San Matteo, oltre a quella che è una delle sue opere più note, La vocazione di san Matteo. The paintings were Caravaggio's first major public commission and one that cemented his reputation as a master artist. This include the three world-renowned canvases of The Calling of St Matthew, The Inspiration of Saint Matthew, The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew. Funny Height Challenge Pictures .. Chiaroscuro. Photography Subjects. Jan 30, 2014 - Caravaggio - La vocazione di San Matteo Cappella Contarelli - San Luigi dei Francesi Roma. La Vocazione di san Matteo è un dipinto realizzato tra il 1599 ed il 1600 dal pittore italiano Michelangelo Merisi detto Caravaggio, ispirato all'episodio raccontato in Matteo 9,9-13. It is famous for housing three paintings on the theme of Saint Matthew the Evangelist by the Baroque master Caravaggio. Domenichino painted here one of his masterworks, the frescoes portraying the Histories of Saint Cecilia. The church's most famous item is however the cycle of paintings in the Contarelli Chapel, painted by the Baroque master Caravaggio in 1599-1600 about the life of St. Matthew. The interior houses a gallery with the portraits of the French kings and a notable Music Hall. The church was chosen as the place of sepulture for the higher prelates and members of the French community of Rome: these include the tomb of Pauline de Beaumont, died by consumption in Rome in 1805, erected by her lover Chateaubriand, the classic liberal economist Frédéric Bastiat and that of Cardinal de Bernis, ambassador in Rome for Louis XV and Louis XVI. Adiacent to the church is the late-Baroque San Luigi dei Francesi Palace. The interior also has frescoes telling the stories of St. Louis (by Charles-Joseph Natoire), St. Dennis and Clovis. La cappella, ultima nella navata sinistra entrando nella chiesa, è di modesta dimensione, sopra l'altare vi è L'ispirazione di San Matteo, sul lato destro il Martirio di San Matteo e su quello sinistro la Vocazione di san Matteo. The church was designed by Giacomo della Porta and built by Domenico Fontana between 1518 and 1589: the works could be completed through the personal intervention of Caterina de Medici, who donated it some possessions in the area. It is the national French church of Rome and actually entitled to the Virgin Mary, to St. Dionigis Areopagitas and St. Louis IX, king of France. Per informazioni e prenotazioni visite guidate Email:

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