telegram bot from scratch python

My .com domain is expiring in a few weeks - can I transfer it instead of renewing it? For instance, you have a general bot menu, where you can choose "Edit Bot" and get the new corresponding menu. Paul Brook is a professional full stack developer & IT content marketer. API Telegram. After creating our empty agent, we have a bunch of other tabs. Click on Create and see the following picture: I’ll tell you why the “Agent” we created earlier does not play any role. Now its time to write code, I personally prefer and use Pycharm, but you can use whatever you are comfortable with. Learn more. Write the program. It's mean nothing will happen if you will call start function with reply_text method from any menu. I recommend to use Telegram web client for testing the basic concepts. You need to register on Telegram (obviously). Make sure that you have pipenv installed in your system. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Developer by day and a content Marketer by night. The complexities—and rewards—of open sourcing corporate software products, Feature Preview: New Review Suspensions Mod UX, Unable to create a telegram bot menu using python-telegram-bot, Purpose of range function in Python telegram bot menu system. Pingback: Code Gladiators 2020 Solutions With Explanation - The Intel Crunch, Pingback: HackerRank Problem Solving Basic Certification Solutions 2020 - The Intel Crunch, Pingback: HackerRank JAVA Basic Certification Solutions 2020 - The Intel Crunch, Pingback: HackerRank Python Certification Solutions 2020 - The Intel Crunch, Your email address will not be published. We paste our API token on line 2, save the changes, move it to the console and run the bot: After the launch, we write to him. He is the lead Developer and content marketer at There it can also be trained, telling the bot where he answered correctly, and where not. Copyright © 2020 SmartSpate | All Rights Reserved. Python Create a Bot folder, in which we then create the file. Today a thought occurred to me: “Why not write Telegram to a chat-bot with AI, which then it will be possible to train?”. A word that means rule by the vocal minority? There you can see all the messages that were written and that the bot responded to them (or did not answer). 写这篇文章的目的在于很久之前的一个想法,将自己所学到的东西定期整理发布,以此来检测自己是否真正地掌握了这些知识。“一个月的时间内,自己做一个Telegram Bot”是CS布置给我的第一个Project,在当时根本没有任何编程经验的我的眼里完成这项Project无异于天方夜谭,而对于编程术语的不了解以及基础的缺失也使得我在网络上搜索信息时十分低效。我想把我初期对搭建Bot的原理的一些理解整理下来,更多地是想把这篇教程写给后来的Juniors们,让新进CS系的学弟学妹们至少有文章和前人的经验可以参考。, 因为我做Bot的主要目的是为了完成教授布置的任务,所以无论是对于Python语言还是Telepot也好,始终如一的只是“能实现功能就行”这一宗旨,对于其背后的原理则是不求甚解。, 同时也欢迎读者对文中涉及的不完整或是有错误的部分进行指出,或是认为有需要加上的部分而我忽略了也可以告诉我,或是参与共同编辑本文。, Telegram是俄罗斯企业家 Pavel Durov 建立的开源的,非盈利性的,以云端为基础的轻量级即时通讯软件。Telegram支持Android, iOS, Windows Phone, macOS 以及 Linux 等平台的的客户端,而它最令人瞩目的特点是极其严格的用户隐私安全条款以及信息加密功能(Telegram于2015年被中国大陆屏蔽)。, Telegram Bot是基于Telegram客户端的第三方程序。用户可以通过向Bot发送信息、照片、指令、在线请求等一系列的方式于Bot互动。Bot的所有者通过Bot 的API(Application Programming Interface)访问并请求Telegram Server的信息。可以将Bot理解为一个更加智能的可以接受指令并可以爬取网络信息的微信公众号(或者类比于UI设计没那么好的微信小程序)。, 这个问题我曾经想了整整一天,翻了十几篇网络上的文章(很多科技博客都直接默认你知道什么是API以及怎么用API了),总结出了这样的一个图表:, Telegram的API接口形式是URL,它和我们平常使用的网址是类似的,我们获取网站的本质是将作为网址的URL当作一个请求,发送到储存了我们所请求的站点的服务器,下载此网站的网页文件、图片文件等等。, 类似的,Telegram规定了一个统一的API地址,Bot的所有者通过指定访问的Bot Token来获取于Token对应的用户信息(Bot Token是在申请Bot的时候获取的一串独特的字符串,开发者通过此字符串访问Bot)。, 你可以在注册Bot(注册Bot的详细步骤在下文的准备环节)后将以下的URL复制在浏览器的网址栏中,并将"""Your Token"""替换为你获取的Token:, 在Telegram中,message以 json ( javascript object notation)的形式被包装和发送,它的本质是nested dictionary,也就是dictionary包了一层dictionary。在之后我们将用json作为我们储存数据的形式。, 并将你的Token和你想要发送消息的人的chat ID,你的Bot就会将”Hello“发送给指定用户。, 形式类似地,Telegram规定了很多功能,比如sendMessage, sendPhoto等,但我们不会用每次在地址栏中键入指令如此繁琐的方式来控制我们的Bot,instead 我们将通过一个功能强大的名为”Telepot“的python package 来制作Bot。, 安装Python是我们万里长征的第一步,在Python官网选取与自己电脑位数相符的安装包,并且尽量使用更新的版本。新的版本中自带的功能将省去我们很多功夫。, 2.安装并更新pip (一个小幽默 pip is a recursive acronym that can stand for either "Pip Installs Packages" or "Pip Installs Python")软件包管理系统。, python 2.7版本之后已经自带了pip,如果你确定你的python版本是高于2.7的话可以跳过这里直接阅读安装 "telepot" package的部分,如果不成功请返回这一部分尝试更新pip。, 在windows系统下,需要先用控制台进入python的文件夹,再进入安装有pip的文件夹"Scripts", 如果你不记得你在哪个地址安装了python,可以在python shell中通过以下语句获取python的安装地址:, Telepot 是由 Nike Lee (github ID nickoala)开发的整合所有了telegram API并方便开发者使用的python packge,通过安装 telepot我们可以直接在python中使用telegram API的功能。相似的package 还有python-telegram-bot, 在这里我们只使用telepot进行讲解。, 这是所有开发者的必经之路,此仪式的目的在于获取telegram的授权以及一个独特的bot token,此token将在下文的编程的环节再次发挥作用。, 首先在telegram中搜索 botfather,并和botfather开始对话:, 紧接着回复"/newbot"开始创建你的bot,botfather会要求你输入bot的名字和bot用户名,bot名会显示在搜索界面,而bot的username在搜索bot和添加bot入group的时候会起作用(你无法通过搜索bot名来添加bot如群组)。username必须以bot或者_bot(不区分大小写)结尾:如ABCBot,ABC_bot。, 当然最最基础的教程也不能一点编程水平也不要求,对于一个新手来说,网上的资源和教程多得让人眼花缭乱,不知道哪一个适合自己,尤其适合在短时间内学习基本的python syntax以达到可以进行bot编程的程度。, 基于我的个人体验,在一个月的时间内,抱着大部头书啃是非常不现实的。厚厚的教程书虽然讲解得很全很细致,但是你并没有那么多时间抱着它慢慢研读,同样不推荐的还有中文教程,理由是你将在所有在中文教程中学到的术语都需要你自己再从中文翻译成英文,相当于增加了学习成本(因为Ultimately你还是要用英文来进行编程和学习编程的), 在这里我推荐一个网站'Codeacademy',这个免费的在线编程学习网站的特点在于integrate了一款网页版的在线IDLE以及详尽但难度不高的测验以帮助你巩固学到的知识点,你可以在IDLE中测试你的代码并且在右侧的反馈栏中看到自己code的error出现在哪里。'Learn Python'这一整个Module慢的话一个星期,快的话三到四天就可以全部完成,以达到掌握最基本python syntax的目的。, 设计上,telegram bot是无法主动向用户发送消息的(主要的目的是防止spam),所以你需要主动地通过指令以获取用户的信息:, pprint 指pretty print,是python自带的一个可以让打印出来的dictionary更美观的一个function, getUpdates()是telegram中获取Update的方法,依据Telegram API,getUpdate会return一个以Update object组成的array。在python中,Update object是以dictionary的形式被表现出来的。, 每当有用户向你的bot发送一条消息/图片/指令的时候,你都可以通过getUpdate()的方式来获取这条消息。在这条消息中,message 的key包括chat(用户的名字,ID和聊天的种类(在telegram中,聊天的种类分为三种,private, group以及channel,我们更多地是handle private的信息)),date(消息发送的日期),from(发送者的信息),message_id(一个独特的,message_id可以specify某一条信息),而text就是用户所发送消息的文本。, 但是每次都使用getUpdate()来获取消息就太麻烦了,这意味着你需要连续不断地敲击运行按钮才能获取新用户发送给bot的消息,在这里telepot提供了一个非常方便的解决办法,我们将详细讲解。, MessageLoop需要两个argument,一个是你已经specify token的'bot',而另一个就是告诉MessageLoop如何处理信息的'method'(在这里我们将它命名为handle,你可以将此method改成任意名字,只要在定义的时候,method只接收一个argument,那就是'msg')。, 'run_as_thread'在这里起到了,只要你启动了你的python file,那么这个MessageLoop就会永续不断地运行下去,除非遇到特殊情况(冲突或者恶性bug等等), telegram中的message作为一个json object,其中包含很多重要的而且可能会在一次Bot与用户的交互中多次使用的信息,而每次通过message对应的key来访问这些信息实在是有够麻烦,对此telepot提供了glance这一功能来快速获取message中的某些重要信息。, 在这条语句之后,telepot帮你快速查看了msg中的content type, chat type和chat id并且储存在了这三个variable中,在之后的代码里可以直接通过这些variable来访问相对应的信息。, Tip:glance的功能不限于只获取这三种信息(content type, chat type和chat id)而是所有在message中存在的legal key中的信息都可以获取。, 在telepot中,向用户发送信息这一功能是通过bot.sendMessage() 这一function实现的,sendMessage() take in 两个arguments,一个是你希望发送的用户的chat_id,另一个是你希望发送消息的文本。, 到这里你已经掌握了搭建一个bot的所有基本操作,让我们来尝试做一个非常简单的bot吧。, 我们创建了handle这个funtion来定义bot如何处理信息的方法。通过使用telepot.glance()我们获取了用户向bot发送的信息的content_type, chat_type以及chat_id,我们将这些信息print在console中,并且如果用户发送的信息是文本的话,我们会把这一段文本复制下来并且发送给用户。, 有的时候你可能会在使用其他人开发的bot的时候注意到按下‘/’键后,会弹出一系列的指令来帮助你快速地使用bot的某些功能。指令的本质是以/为开头的文本,如何让bot分析指令并且act correspondingly呢?, 到这一步之后,botfather会让你告诉它指令的列表。值得注意的是指令是有固定格式的,例如:, 之后在你自己的bot界面输入'/',你就会看到你刚才设置的指令列表。你随时可以更改你的指令:, 但是到这里你会发现,单单是设置你的指令并不会对你的bot造成任何影响,如果你没有在程序中设置你的bot该如何回应这个指令的话,你的bot并不会对指令有任何的回应。下面我们将用一个简单的例子讲解如何使你的bot做到回应指令。, 首先我们要注意的是,指令只是一个以'/'开头的字符串,它在message中位于key 'text'中,所以分析指令的方式就是检测指令的内容,然后做出相应的回应。, 在这里我们通过使用一个 if 语句来检测msg的内容,然后做出相应的回应。这是一个非常简单的例子,目的只是为了了解如何分析指令,当然你肯定不会希望你的bot只会发hamburger或者coke zero的,你可以通过增加其它语句来实现更复杂的功能。, telegram bot的一大特性就在于,bot会根据用户的请求以及分析对话进行到哪一步来提供给用户相应的键盘来方便用户输入:, Customer keyboard 和 inline keyboard有以下几点区别:, 1.inline keyboard 出现在输入区之上,而custom keyboard出现在键盘输入区之下;, 2.按下inline keyboard 会返回给bot一个callback query,而按下custom keyboard只后只会给bot发送一条文本信息,本质和同为文本的command是一样的。, 下面我们分别讲解如何向bot发送inline keyboard 和custom keyboard:, 在发送keyboard之前毫无疑问需要进行一些设置,包括你希望你的keyboard有几个按钮,按一次就消失或者一直会出现在那里等等。进行这些设置的方法是使用replymarkup:, 在ReplyKeyboardMarkup中的keyboard部分,键盘的按钮是以array的形式被定义的,每一个array element的文本将会出现在keyboard的按钮之上。, 而分析custom keyboard的方法和分析command的方法一样,通过if statement来实现。, 在开发我们自己的bot的时候,我们写过一个方便发送custom keyboard的function:, 看上去非常的tedious2333但是当时works fine lah。因为写function的时候也没有学过array,只是单纯地把它当作了list套list。, 首先keyboard markup 要变更为InlineKeyboardMarkup,其次inline keyboard的每一个button需要两个数据,一个是显示的按钮文字,另一个是按下按钮后它会返回的query data(文本), 第二个区别在于 on_callback_query中,chat_id变为了from_id(虽然二者在内容上是相同的),quary_data即是用户按下keyboard的按钮之后会返回的data信息。, 到目前为止我们和bot所实现的所有交互都基于同一个模式——ask & answer 然后结束,但是对于想要实现更多功能的bot来说,一定会需要与用户进行多次连续的交互对话。在telepot中实现与用户连续对话的方式是使用DelegatorBot:, 在这里我们将bot的所有功能定义在同一个Class中,此class继承自 telepot.helper.ChatHandler (关于class的知识可以从codeacademy中学习)。, 在class的initialization中,我们定义了一个变量'indicator'用来指示每一次用户发送的message在bot的算法中应该处于哪一环,以及如何处理这条信息。, 每当bot接收到消息的时候,它会先检测这条message的indicator是什么,然后把它交付对应的if下的语句处理,处理结束后,将message的indicator更改为下一步的indicator,然后继续进行与用户的对话。, 首先我们在initialization里创建了一个名为order的空dictionary以储存用户的order信息。, 值得注意的是用户的回复不会和keyboard发送语句处于同一if下,而是应该处于下一步的if 中。, 之后如果需要导入数据,则可以使用以下语句将dictionary导入到一个list中:, 写这篇教程前前后后花了四天时间,这也是我的第一篇教程。如果发现文中有任何错误的话, feel free to contact me leh。这篇教程还有很多欠缺的地方,比如没有涉及爬虫(it pains me that I'm still not doing scraping...),内容crazily basic等等。, Anyway if someone reads it's good, if not then let this be my legacy。和日记的性质是类似的,我们并不因为单纯的存在而在这个世界上留下痕迹,而记录我们曾经做过的事情的图片和文字mark it。我的想法依然是记录自己做过的学过的事情 and make it unique。, PPS:本来准备用冉阿让来做demo的后来想了以下他似乎没有什么可以做成bot而不违和的经历,然后就做了一个金拱门点单bot啦。, Introduction - telepot 12.4 documentation, #将bot这个在程序中使用的variable和你的bot token联系起来,在之后的程序中,每当要命令bot的时候可以直接call bot的instance, '473401060:AAFwIL_Scm0rBtOO0lgRJwfJDi8WfOpN5Qs', 与其它服务结合(收发Gmail邮件,获取Facebook推送, 接受微信消息, 下载 Youtube视频). Here is the code of our bot. Hey everyone ! 2.7k. We import the necessary modules and register our API token: Next, we write 2 command handlers. These are callback functions that will be called when the update is received. In the, After creating our empty agent, we have a bunch of other tabs. So the question is — what is the best practice to build that kind of menu systems? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. • It is widely considered to be more secure and private than WhatsApp. Really appreciate you sharing this blog post.Really thank you! Install the package using the following command. Add to our “Settings” section the import of. And if you follow our post’s then you might know that we have created a couple of our own Telegram Bots previously and have shown you in some or other way how you can achieve this just by using proper tools. with an option to get back to the previous menu. You can do this, by the way, in the Training tab. Community-based extensions for the python-telegram-bot library. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Learn more. 15 Notify me of follow-up comments by email. do not forget to turn off the bot, for this go back to the console and press Ctrl + C, wait a couple of seconds and the bot will successfully complete the work. Has Biden's campaign, or the Democratic Party, publicly voiced their opinion on granting some sort of immunity to Trump? You can always update your selection by clicking Cookie Preferences at the bottom of the page. In this tutorial, we are going to show you how you can create your own Telegram Chat Bot from the scratch by using BotFather and Heroku. I chose a product from Google, namely. We need to click on, Installed? Create a Bot folder, in which we then create the file. Installed? Now it looks like this: Go to the function textMessage (which is responsible for receiving any text message) and send the received messages to the Dialog flow server: The response is from the server, encoded in bytes. Basic python knowledge; Telegram Account; About Course In this course, you will start creating a bot from scratch, discovering all possible settings to utilize all power of Bot API and creating a real-world application. For this post we will create a bot that takes a text and convert it to cute version of same text. Learn more, We use analytics cookies to understand how you use our websites so we can make them better, e.g. Your email address will not be published. Pipenv is a dependency manager for Python projects. Please note: you use edit_message_text in menu. Open Telegram app, search for @BotFather and start the chat. By language, I chose Python, because it’s the easiest to work with such applications. So we will now create some functions and register them. TOKEN: “your-telegram-bot-api-token” Once you save, the bot will automatically be deployed! If a square wave has infinite bandwidth, how can we see it on an oscilloscope? Before using this approch, this is deprecated since V12. Work fast with our official CLI. All necessary files for the deploy are already in the repo. P.s. It remains only now to teach and teach. Thanks a lot for help! Add to our “Settings” section the import of apiai and json modules (you need to disassemble the responses from dialogflow in the future). Open the console and go to the directory with the file, install python-telegram-bot. You can do this, by the way, in the, Application For A Framework For A Multi-Platform Bot, How To Create A Telegram Bot From Scratch ( Tutorial ), How To Create Caching Of Web Site Pages For Offline Access, Improving Email Subject Lines to Increase Open Rates. You signed in with another tab or window. Now, select a Create agent button and fill in the fields at our discretion (this will not play any role, it is only necessary for the next action). Subscribe to The Intel Crunch and Receive the latest Technology & Lifestyle news right in your inbox! The Telegram bot @roolsbot serves the python-telegram-bot group chats by announcing the rules. How to Know When to Start Updating Your Skills. It won't work with Updater(key, use_context=True). I work with python-telegram-bot and try to build a system of nested menus as BotFather bot does. Join them to grow your own development teams, manage permissions, and collaborate on projects. This code works but I have a feeling that it is kind of irrational — to build a long elif tree. In addition to IT, also provide technical SEO and copywriting services for business of all sizes. This post is going to be very very very basic, and I think it will give you enough of base to start making more complicated bots. Telegram Bot Tutorial. Open the console and go to the directory with the file, install, Next, we write 2 command handlers. Immediately after the authorization, we get to the control panel. That’s all our Bot is ready to be deployed , obviously you can use it without deploying from your lappy, you just need to be connected with the internet.But once your machine shut down it wont run anymore. do not forget to turn off the bot, for this go back to the console and press Ctrl + C, wait a couple of seconds and the bot will successfully complete the work. We click on it and click Import. It remains only now to teach and teach. So now , when we work with telegram bots we register functions with commands or we register functions with messages. Return to the General tab, go down a bit and copy Client access token. The basis of the bot is written, we proceed to the next step! We use optional third-party analytics cookies to understand how you use so we can build better products. pip3 install python-telegram-bot. If everything is fine till this point, we are good to go. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window). Now it remains only to assign these handlers to notifications and start searching for updates. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and In the Intents tab, there are “commands” on which the bot works. It will keep sending new posts every 10 minutes! In telegram there are two kindsof statement you can make , you can just write out something like a normal text, or you can put ”/” and some text, and whenever a text start with slash ,its called a command. How To Create A Telegram Bot With AI in 30 Lines Of Code In Python! We use optional third-party analytics cookies to understand how you use so we can build better products. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Let’s write two such functions for the. We use optional third-party analytics cookies to understand how you use so we can build better products. Moreover, I can't figure out how to give to the user an option to get back to the main menu from second level menus (since the main menu is located in another handler and I can't catch it with a callback from CallbackQueryHandler). So, to create a telegram chat-bot with AI we will need: We come up with a name for our bot and write @botfather. If suddenly "knocked" or perturbed from its orbit, would gravity eventually return the Earth to its original orbit? How can I create a custom terminal command with a variable argument? How exactly is the "effectiveness" in the Moderna and Pfizer vaccine trials estimated?

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